How To Create Your Own File QR Code

Usethebuttonsabovetochooseafileanduploadit-whenyouclickupload,you'llgetaQRcodeyoucanscanwithyourphone.Note:QRcodesexpireafter ...,GenerateaQRcodeforallyourPDFfilesinafewclicks.ShareallyourPDFseffortlessly.Handoverrightnowandtry!,EasyQRcodemaker.C...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Send or Upload a File

Use the buttons above to choose a file and upload it - when you click upload, you'll get a QR code you can scan with your phone. Note: QR codes expire after ...

PDF to QR Code: Create Free QR

Generate a QR code for all your PDF files in a few clicks. Share all your PDFs effortlessly. Hand over right now and try!

ME-QR: QR code generator - free

Easy QR code maker. Create QR code in two clicks: upload your link, generate QR and download it!

Document to QR Code Generator

Document QR Code · Scan for files and more content · Most features are available for FREE · Create, manage and track all your QR Codes. · Join over 1,000,000 ...

QR Share

Share files between mobile devices and desktop instantly. Upload a file, get a QR code. Share between multiple recipients. Maximum file size is 64Mb, ...

Use QR Code Generator for PDF

Use QR Code generator PDF to display your catalogs, ebooks, brochures or any other PDF files. Editable even after print. Try free!


Create QR codes in bulk with our BULK QR Code generator · 按照我們的模板上傳有效的CSV 文件,XLS 文件將不起作用。 · 每個CSV 文件最多只允許3000 個網址。 · 如果您希望 ...

文件QR 碼轉換器:透過掃描分享您的文件

2024年1月14日 — 如何使用QR TIGER 檔案QR 碼轉換器將檔案轉換為QR 碼 · 去QR 圖虎。選擇檔案二維碼從選單中。 · 上傳您的文件,然後點擊產生動態二維碼。 · 自訂您的二維 ...

How to Create a QR Code to Download a File

How to create a QR Code to download a file · 1. Log-in to the Uniqode dashboard, click “+Create” and select “QR Code” · 2. Choose the type of QR Code you want ...


Usethebuttonsabovetochooseafileanduploadit-whenyouclickupload,you'llgetaQRcodeyoucanscanwithyourphone.Note:QRcodesexpireafter ...,GenerateaQRcodeforallyourPDFfilesinafewclicks.ShareallyourPDFseffortlessly.Handoverrightnowandtry!,EasyQRcodemaker.CreateQRcodeintwoclicks:uploadyourlink,generateQRanddownloadit!,DocumentQRCode·Scanforfilesandmorecontent·MostfeaturesareavailableforFREE·Create,manage...

Free QR Creator - 輕輕鬆鬆製作手機專用QRcode

Free QR Creator - 輕輕鬆鬆製作手機專用QRcode
